Foley, Ala. – (OBA) – The city is looking to build two roundabouts at the intersection of East Michigan Avenue at South Juniper Street and West Michigan Avenue and South Cedar Street.
At its Feb. 5 joint work/regular session, the city council will hear proposals from Thompson Engineering for professional services related to the project. If approved at the meeting, Thompson will provide a “100 percent construction plan” for the work for $315,000.
Also on the agenda is a request to approve a contract with Engineering Design Group to engineer and construction inspection services for an extension of East Jessamine between North Chicago Street and North Cypress Street “to create more east/west connectivity,” according to a memo. No price for the work was listed.
During the meeting, the council will also:
Have two public hearings on two zonings in the recently annexed Mills Community. The first addresses the initial zoning of single-family and duplex and agricultural open space. The second is to zone property owned by Foley as open space/preservation district for the land that will become Mills Park. There will also be a second reading on both zoning changes.
Introduce an ordinance on an agreement with Baldwin County to allow the city to regulate subdivisions outside the city limits but within Foley’s planning jurisdiction.
Introduce an ordinance accepting public rights-of-way and improvements in Majestic Manor Subdivision for city maintenance. The development is in the southwest corner of County Road 20 West and South Hickory Street.
Discuss a liquor license for Danielle Duemmel for Waffles R Wild located at OWA Parks and Resort.
Consider going to bid for a 13-15 passenger shuttle bus for the senior center to transport seniors to events and activities. The current bus is still operational but is showing signs of wear and tear and will only be used on local trips. There is $100,000 budgeted for the bus.
Discuss a request for a Ford F-150 with lift-gate assist for the maintenance crew at the Municipal Complex for $65,000.
Hear a request to apply for the fiscal year 2023 Assistance to Firefighters grant program.
Consider paying Synergy $5,000 to help close out projects from Hurricane Sally with FEMA and the state EMA.
Accept a donation from the Foley Woman’s Club.
Discuss tearing down a building at 211 E. Rose Ave. and replacing it with a pre-fabricated building for a Symbol Clinic for $475,331. The clinic provides healthcare for city employees and their dependents.
Consider waiving fees for the use of the Foley Civic Center for two events. The agenda did not say what groups were making the request.
Discuss the transfer of $16,250 from the Street Department to Nature Parks to cover the salary of a new position. The new hire is starting earlier than called for in the budget.
Hear a request from the library to declare a microfilm reader as surplus and no longer needed.
Consider buying a reel mower for $85,000 for the Sportsplex. The current mower is aging and it takes 20 months to order the mower and have it delivered, according to a memo on the agenda.
Discuss accepting an unbudgeted donation from the Rikard Charitable Trust to the Caboose Club.
Consider waiving fees for Heritage Park and pavilion for the South Baldwin Chamber Foundation’s annual BBQ & Blues Cook-off fundraiser March 7-9.
Consider waiving fees for Heritage Park for Andrea Overstreet and Redemption Apostolic Church for a community event on May 18.
Discuss buying a John Deer tractor for the Parks and Recreation Department for $50,000 to replace the 1997 model used by crews now.
Hear a request to bid out a project to replace and upgrade the roofs on dugouts at Mel Roberts Park.
Discuss a $187,500 payment for support of Baldwin County Schools.
Hear a request to bid out a project to install utilities and general oversite for the Beulah Heights upgrade project.
Discuss accepting a bid from Capstone Engineering Group for professional services on a sidewalk project from East Verbena Avenue to Centennial Bank for $125,000.
Consider a proposal from Engineering Design Group to provide a survey of the easement and topographic survey for the North Cedar sidewalk extension. The project will go north from West Berry Avenue to West Fern Avenue and have a total project cost of $500,000.
Discuss the purchase of a Massey Ferguson utility tractor for the Street Department for $50,000.
Consider giving two bids to S.C. Stagner Contracting for work in the area of East Verbena Avenue. One contract is for improvements along the roadway for $175,000 and a second for parking improvements for $144,000.
Discuss buying two golf carts and a Gator UTV for Foley Sports Tourism. Under consideration are a four-seat golf cart for $12,354, a six-seat golf cart for $15,073 and the Gator for $13,007.
Hear a request to repair and upgrade the light tower on a fire truck for $8,231.
Consider approving a grant application for fiscal year 2024 from Dollar General for a summer reading program.
Hear a request from the Street Department for an increase of $762,000 in the budget for the fiscal year 2023 resurfacing and repairs project.
Consider amending a resolution approving the purchase of arrow boards for traffic control costing $20,000.
Discuss declaring the comfort station at John B. Foley Park as surplus.
Consider a contract with Critical Mention for media monitoring services and a budget increase of $5,800 to help pay for it.
Hear a request to approve the surplus and disposal of one vehicle in the Street Department and one in the Horticulture Department.