Residents of Orange Beach are provided with a 95 gallon recycle container for recycling.
Recycle pick up in every other Wednesday. Please see the map below to determine your zone, blue or gray. Then go to our OBA Calendar to see the dates for pick up in your zone.
When is the recycling pickup? Recycling pickups takes place every other Wednesday in each of the two zones.
Grey Zone:
Neighborhoods accessed by the beach highway (Perdido Beach Blvd.) or Canal Road EAST of Highway 161 (example: Bear Point, East Orange Beach Subdivision, etc.) are Grey Zones.
Blue Zone:
Neighborhoods accessed by Canal Road WEST of Highway 161 or any other routes other than the beach highway are in the Blue zone (example: Terry Cove Harbor, Captain’s Cove, Bayou Place, etc.).
Drop Off Locations:
Additionally, there are six conveniently located recycling dumpsters at several city campuses—see map below.