Foley, Ala. – (OBA) – The Foley City Council will meet in a joint work/regular session at 4 p.m. at city hall in council chambers on Oct. 2. During the meetings, the council will:
Conduct public hearings to consider if weeds at 619 W. Marigold Avenue and 311 W. Fifth Avenue are a nuisance and order the properties cleaned up. The council will also take up resolutions to allow city employees to enter these properties to clean up the weeds.
Have a public hearing to discuss amending the city’s International Building Codes. The council will also consider amending the code and fee schedule to upgrade codes relating to inspections conducted by city staff.
Hear an update on the performance contract presentation from the South Baldwin Chamber of Commerce’s Donna Watts.
Hear a request for public projects from Community Development including the Symbol Health building, County Road 20 extension, Farmers Market commercial kitchen, expanding the civic center, work at the Graham Creek Nature Preserve, upgrades at Max Griffin Park, improvements to Wilson/Horse Arena Road, South Pilgrim Street extension and improvements to Beck Road.
Discuss amending the ordinance that established the city’s Library Advisory Board.
Consider rescinding an ordinance regarding the city’s youth sports programs fund.
Discuss a request from the police department to surplus seven vehicles that are no longer working, including five Ford Crown Victorias and two Dodge Chargers.
Consider approving renting Heritage Park to Lisa Yeater for the Gumbo and Alabama Slammer Festival including allowing alcohol to be sold at the event on Jan. 27 and for the Mudbugs and Margaritas Festival on April 6.
Discuss approving the use of Heritage Park for the Foley High wrestling team to hold a dual meet.
Consider a resolution to appoint Michael Dasinger as part-time municipal judge and Frank Hollon as part-time assistant municipal judge.
Discuss approving the Sanitation Department’s purchase of two garbage trucks for $375,069 and $353,877, an automated garbage truck for $376,000 and a 40-yard loader for $353,000.
Consider moving forward with improvements at Mel Roberts Park including upgrading the field lighting, replacing scoreboards and replacing the bathroom/concession building at a cost of $1.5 million.
Consider reappointing Larry Engel to the Planning Commission for a term through Oct. 16, 2029.
Discuss reappointing Linda Spangrud to the Public Athletic Sports Cooperative District and the Entertainment Facilities Cooperative District. Her term expires on Nov. 8 and she would like to be reappointed.
Consider reappointing Ellen Dean, Deborah Mixon and Patricia Davis to the Foley Beautification and Advisory Board.
Consider reappointing Otis Gatlin and David Vosloh to the Fire Code Board of Appeals.
Discuss approving an application to receive a Gametime Matching Funds Grant for improvements to the Mathis Park playground to help with the total cost of the upgrade of $210,000.
Discuss a resolution to close off downtown streets for the Hometown Halloween celebration on Oct. 26.
Consider an additional $10,000 for the Engineering Department to buy a Ram 1500 crew cab pickup truck. There was $40,000 originally budgeted for the truck but inflation has made the price higher.
Discuss approval of a façade grant extension for Mark Wright at 118 W. Laurel Avenue.
Consider increasing the budget for a capital project at Max Griffin Park.
Discuss surplus fire department equipment and donating it to the Helicon Volunteer Fire Department in Arley, Alabama. This includes a variety of equipment including nozzles, lights, storage bins, extension cords and a smoke ejector.
Discuss closing certain bank accounts to help automate payments in the Museum-Archive, Library Fund and Recreational Activities Fund through the General Fund.
Consider entering into a memorandum of understanding as a non-certifying partner for the Alabama Uniform Certification program through the Alabama Department of Transportation.