Orange Beach, Ala. – (OBA) – Fish is officially on the menu and we live in the perfect place to savor it.
Today, a season of sacrifice begins in Baldwin County and around the world. Lent starts, and until it ends on Easter Sunday, March 31st, it’s the time of year when fish takes center stage at mealtime and replaces meat in Catholic households, typically on Fridays.
Lent, originating from the Latin word "quadragesima," meaning forty, symbolizes the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the desert. About 1,400 years ago, when meat was considered more of a delicacy, Pope St. Gregory The Great added a rule stating Catholics will abstain from flesh and meat as a form of penance and solidarity with Jesus' sacrifice. It's a period of reflection, repentance, and spiritual growth.
But why fish? The answer lies in its historical context and symbolism. In early Christian communities, fish held a special significance as a common food source for many, particularly those living near bodies of water like we do in lower Alabama. Fish is also featured prominently in the New Testament in stories like the miraculous multiplication of loaves and fishes and the breakfast of fish prepared by Jesus after his resurrection.
And you don’t have to be Catholic to enjoy it. While some may perceive eating fish on Fridays as merely a religious obligation, there's a rich tapestry of history and culture woven into this dietary tradition, starting with the health benefits associated with eating fish, a rich source of lean protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.
What’s more, the Lenten tradition of abstaining from meat encourages home cooks to expand their culinary creativity in the kitchen as they experiment with a variety of dishes, from simple grilled salmon to elaborate seafood stews like bouillabaisse. This culinary exploration not only adds diversity to meals, but also promotes a deeper appreciation for the flavors and textures of seafood.
Ultimately, enjoying fish on Fridays during Lent can be a personal choice, regardless of religious affiliation. It can be an opportunity to embrace tradition, try new foods, or simply enjoy a delicious and healthy meal. And there’s no shortage of local restaurants to enjoy the bounty of fish we’re blessed with in Baldwin County.