Orange Beach, Ala. – (OBA) – Opossums are often misunderstood and underappreciated creatures. These nocturnal marsupials are native to North and South America and are known for their distinctive appearance, with a pointed snout, sharp teeth, and a prehensile tail. While they may not be the most popular animals, opossums play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and balanced ecosystem.
Opossums have a relatively short lifespan. In the wild, they typically live for about 2 to 4 years. In captivity, where they are protected from predators and have access to a steady food supply, opossums can live a bit longer, up to 4 to 5 years.
While it is theoretically possible for an opossum to carry rabies, it is extremely rare. Opossums have a lower body temperature compared to other mammals, which makes it difficult for the rabies virus to survive in their bodies. Additionally, opossums have a robust immune system that provides them with a high level of resistance to many diseases, including rabies. As a result, the likelihood of encountering a rabid opossum is extremely low.
Residents will sometimes call the Orange Beach Wildlife about opossums eating their cat or dog food left on porches. The solution to this issue is to store pet food indoors, securing trash cans with lids, and removing any potential food sources from outdoor areas to discourage opossums and other wildlife from foraging near homes.
Here are some of the key benefits that opossums bring to our coastal environment:
Opossums are vital contributors to a healthy and balanced environment. Their role as natural pest controllers, scavengers, and seed dispersers helps to maintain biodiversity and support ecosystem health. While they may not be the most beloved creatures, it is essential to recognize and appreciate the benefits that opossums bring to our environment.
So, the next time you spot an opossum in your backyard, remember the positive impact they have on the ecosystem and consider giving them the respect they deserve.